As a wellness professional, the very base of your business is personal transformation. Every day, your work is focused around helping others become the best version of themselves. You know what it takes to help someone transform their life, and you’re good at it. It’s time for you to use that superpower of yours to reshape your wellness business.
Transforming your wellness business into a healthy, happy being doesn’t have to be torture. You can enjoy nurturing your business, as you watch it renew and grow. Know that it is not going to happen overnight and, much like the transformation you walk your clients through, will take commitment.
Healing your business will be like healing a client. You’ll need to adjust the mindset, diet, exercise and get a new support group. My Master Class will walk you through the details, but let me hammer out the basics here.
Get your Mind Right
You already know that change can’t happen until you decide to make it so. Commit with your whole heart to truly healing your business. Let go of the unhealthy habits that have gotten you into this rut, and accept the changes that need to be made.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to sacrifice your intentions, your purpose or your values. But you will need to accept the fact that your way isn’t working, and embrace the process of revamping. Some of it will be uncomfortable, but none of this is impossible once you let go of your fear to change (like fear vs. resistance blog).
Transform the Diet
You are what you eat! Everyone in our industry can identify with this old adage, because we know it’s true. When someone wants to change the course of their health, the first thing we look at is their diet. This concept is absolutely applicable to making yourself a successful healer.
Everything you put into your process, will run its course and touch every aspect of your business. So, make sure you are feeding your business with all of the healthy components that are going to build your business up without weighing it down. Don’t fill your business model with time consuming strategies that don’t work – these are empty calories.
Exercise Weak Muscles
Putting new processes into action isn’t always easy, and some of this is going to require some practice.You are going to be doing new things, all the time, each with a specific purpose. Whether it’s starting a great blog, or building a new client base, know that it’s okay to work yourself into these new exercises.
Don’t take this as an opening to drag your feet, because this is a high intensity workout. Start with what you know, and each time you revisit your practice, push yourself harder. When you start exercising your new business model effectively, your success is going to take shape. Trust me, if you put in the work, you’ll see the results.
Surround Yourself with Support
If you don’t have anyone else on your team through this, you’re going to fail. It’s easy to fall into old habits, or take the easy way out, if nobody is holding you accountable. Reach out to colleagues and other wellness professionals for support (link competition not enemy blog) or advice. Talking to someone who has been in your shoes, and successfully made their way to the top, will help you get out faster. There is no shame in taking on a mentor or personal trainer. It shows the world, and yourself, that you’re serious about this. Solid support is pure motivation.
The transformation of your wellness business into a success doesn’t have to suck. It will be hard at times, but it’s not impossible. My Master Class was designed to be the support that will fill in these blanks for you. We’ll talk about what you should be feeding your business, how to exercise it, and how to maintain your success. Let’s turn the missing pieces of your business into fuel that will power it to be better.